Case Studies
Showcasing my design principles in practice through some examples of my achievements as a design leader.
Product Strategy
Working together with Product and Engineering to establish the team's direction.
UX Team Structure
Achieving a thriving UX team and guaranteeing its seamless function.
Governance & Vibes
Ensuring and maintaining UX standards and culture across the domain
Design Advocacy
Showcasing the UX design by sharing insights and best practice
“The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be.”
— Paula Scher
Notable Projects
Vodafone Business IoT Design Framework
Developing a design framework for b2b digital platforms across the IoT business
Rightmove: Where Can I Live?
Helping users find areas they can buy or rent for their set budget and commuting time.
Activity List
Creating a dynamic workspace for Suppliers so that they never miss an enquiry