Case Studies

Showcasing my design principles in practice through some examples of my achievements as a design leader.

  • Product Strategy

    Working together with Product and Engineering to establish the team's direction.

  • UX Team Structure

    Achieving a thriving UX team and guaranteeing its seamless function.

  • Governance & Vibes

    Ensuring and maintaining UX standards and culture across the domain

  • Design Advocacy

    Showcasing the UX design by sharing insights and best practice

“The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be.”

— Paula Scher

Notable Projects

  • Vodafone Business IoT Design Framework

    Developing a design framework for b2b digital platforms across the IoT business

  • Rightmove: Where Can I Live?

    Helping users find areas they can buy or rent for their set budget and commuting time.

  • Activity List

    Creating a dynamic workspace for Suppliers so that they never miss an enquiry